Thursday, November 28, 2013

Simply Pink Christmas

Please Do Not alter any of my extras snags in any way shape or form. Do Not add personal names, Do Not change change add font or add font. Do Not crop to your satisfaction to fit your profile it will fit on it's own. Do Not add or delete elements. In other words please do not alter in any way shape or form please. I do this for your enjoyment and mine as well so please when downloading leave as is please and thank you .

Free Extra CT Snags- Using the very precious PTU/PU  kit  " Simply Pink Christmas " by FwTags Creations. This PTU/PU kit is so adorable to play with it's just dreamy. At your disposal to play with in this very cute kit you have things such as cute pink ornaments with cute designs on them, a sweet looking teddy bear, Christmas tree, and presents, and a sexy tube she even threw in for you by Joannes Digital Designs. This PTU/PU kit contains 66 Elements, 10 papers, and 6 Frames. For more information on this kit and others please go to FwTags blog : 
and you can purchase the kit and many more of her kits here :  

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