FTU Extras- Please read TOU before snagging. Thank You..
:::CT Tags for SBP_Creations:::
Featuring the PTU/PU adorable Aamouri. She's fun, bright, and has the most adorable facial features. She'll
belong in any bright, and outgoing fun kits. She's a true
butterfly. I've paired her up with a kit from FwTags
Creations called Zestful Fun.
To purchase Aamouri and many more of SBP's posers
please follow these links:
Berry Applicious
Inspirations of Scrapfriends
Low Budget Scrapping
Render Art World (RAW)
Sensibility Scrapping
Raining Digitals
For information on FwTags PTU/PU Zestful Fun and more
Please follow this link here
FwTags Creations
Beautiful xx saved Siggy piggy x thank you xx